
François Curlet

Papillon Minute
Phase two of the project Boulevard at Gallery Micheline Szwajcer has come to an end and with that, phase three starts. Rectangular cut-outs, taken from the floor, earlier foot-printed by an ostrich left in the soft cement, are witness of phase one in the first space of the gallery. The self-destruction of the cement layer during the exhibition, emerges as a reminder of reality. The accomplished object being the convergence of the animal meeting “white cube” covered with three tons of cement. The cracks as symptoms of dementia when the fairy-tale meets the real. The elements of this tale just mentioned, are shown prematurely in the second space, the status being one of conviction of fiction.

Boulevard, 2004-2005



Boulevard, 2004-2005

(6 x) 16 x 80 x 60 x cm
concrete on plastic freight pallet, 5 pieces


Lens flair, 2004-2005

231 cm, Ø 45 cm
aluminium, plexiglass, spray paint


Laptop 1965, 2004

103 x 50 x 90 cm
table in formica and metal, scale model of 9 elements of an IBM 360 computer


Laptop 1965, 2004

103 x 50 x 90 cm
table in formica and metal, scale model of 9 elements of an IBM 360 computer
